Second Nature Consulting

Insider Insight

sec·ond na·ture
/ˌsekənd ˈnāCHər/


'something that is so familiar that it is done without having to think about it'
© Cambridge University Press

sec·ond na·ture
/ˌsekənd ˈnāCHər/


'something that is so familiar that it is done without having to think about it'
© Cambridge University Press

Imagine if successful brand building was simply Second Nature to your commercial teams. 
Imagine if your leaders knew exactly what it took to realize their personal career potential.
 Second Nature Consulting is a life science consulting and training company focused on career coaching, leadership development and marketing capabilities.

There’s not much I haven’t seen over more than 30 years of global and US pharma leadership experience, from complex team dynamics, first-in-human to loss of exclusivity and everything in between.

When you simply don't have the bandwidth, reach out to this trusted industry insider for insightful, actionable and customized solutions. 


Marketing and Commercialization
Consulting and Training

There's no substitute for having walked in your shoes.

After 30+ years in the global life sciences industry, my mission is still the same; enable teams and individuals to deliver to patients and realize commercial success. From sales to marketing, launch to LOE to learning and development, from North America to Asia to Europe and back to North America.

The business of life science is complex, which is why the frameworks and decision tools we use should be simple.

Marketing is about making choices, but those need to be informed by deep customer insights that provide a window into what really matters and how to address those needs with differentiated solutions.

I’m here to support busy marketers and sales teams who need to increase their effectiveness.

Leadership and Career Coaching (for teams and individuals)

Whatever your own definition of success might be, I’m here to support you in realizing your career aspirations as well as to navigate the day-to-day challenges of corporate cultures and hierarchies.

The definition of success is always going to be personal. For me it meant creating a family, an international career, living and working globally, and leading teams that produced quality work in a supportive culture. That’s what I did.

Meet Norma Piggott

Norma Piggott

An industry-insider with deep life science commercialization, leadership and learning & development expertise in North American and global pharma/biopharma markets.

My Approach

We’ll talk and I’ll listen to your personal or business challenges until I understand your needs

I’ll propose and create personalized content designed just for you or your team

We’ll ensure it fits, makes sense and ties to your goals

Every engagement comes with a passion for people, products and patients

Choosing to be Different Can Pay Off...

Mix and Match game. Character's have interchangeable heads, torsos and legs which are combined in new combinations.

Remember those Mix and Match games we played as kids?

That’s what it felt like in 2013 when I moved from Global Marketing after twenty plus years in successive sales and marketing roles into Learning & Development. It looked like an odd career choice and an even stranger mash-up of skill sets, but that move created a competitive advantage for me and the companies I worked with.

Being able to combine deep commercial insight and experience with a 
passion for the latest in adult learning was, and is, a differentiated combination.

I know the business, speak the language, understand what we need to do and, importantly, I know the most effective ways to pull-through actions and support teams in developing the right skill sets to ensure successful implementation.

Let's see whether my 'mix' can 'match' with your needs...

See What People are Saying

My husband Stu and I raised and released over 800 Monarch butterflies in our years in California. Please, support these beautiful creatures by preserving their habitats and planting butterfly and pollinator-friendly flowers in your gardens.